Living with Age

On the latest episode (HERE) of Dharma Time, The Dharma Guy & The Dope Doctor talk about living with age.

Aging….some people embrace it while others deny it. Aging comes with many challenges, but it also comes with many rewards. As we age it can be difficult to maintain confidence in our bodies, minds and abilities. 

It’s important to keep in mind that aging itself isn’t good or bad, but a new thing to adapt to. It’s all about how you look at it. Your perspective can be one that feels it’s horrible and scary or it can be one that says you’ve been a survivor and ready for the next chapter.

As your body ages, allow your perspective to evolve with you. Your goals and priorities should evolve with your age. Things that were important to you in your younger years will naturally change as you age. Things like partying and looks are replaced with family time and traveling as an example. 

Embrace each new decade of your life. In the first decade you learn how to walk and talk followed by the decade of getting through school and out on your own. Then you have the decade of starting a career and coming in to yourself. Every decade will be new experiences, challenges and rewards that should all be viewed as a wonderful thing that not everyone gets to have.

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aka The Dharma Guy on Dharma Time