Mental Health in School

On the latest episode (HERE) of Dharma Time, The Dharma Guy & The Dope Doctor talk about the state of mental health in our public schools.

In today’s America we seem to have forgotten that our youth struggles at times to maintain a healthy mindset. Today, Orange County Public schools implemented a new mental health curriculum the aims to help our middle school and high school students with coping skills, suicide prevention and drug prevention. It’s important that this step was made, but we must not stop there. It’s too easy to pat ourselves on the back and say job well done. There’s positives and negatives to this move. The biggest positive is that it starts a conversation that could lead to real help to someone that needs it, along with starting a conversation nationwide. However, the concern is that it’s not enough and the teachers aren’t qualified mental health experts. Asking people that are already overworked and underpaid that might not possess healthy coping skills to educate our youth about those very skills might not work the way we intend.

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aka The Dharma Guy on Dharma Time