Let It Unfold

On the latest episode (HERE) of Dharma Time, The Dharma Guy & The Dope Doctor talk about letting it unfold.

Sometimes in life we can begin to feel as if things aren’t happening the way we think they should or fast enough. Be it relationships, career or life in general we need to manage our expectations and have patience. Letting things unfold the way they’re meant to isn’t an easy thing. We may feel as if were being lazy or unmotivated and we do need to look inward and make sure that isn’t the case. However, a lot of the time we might realize that we're trying to rush life or make life fit within what we think it should be rather than adapting to life.

Wanting things isn’t an issue, but having to have them is. If you’re happiness is dependent on a specific outcome or timeline, it's time to reevaluate your expectations. Trust in your current actions if they’re based upon the right intentions and then have the patience to allow them to unfold. Whats meant to happen always does.

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aka The Dharma Guy on Dharma Time
